Key-West-Combat-Wounded-Group-2012-Our site has been substantially transformed, with lots of new features and a wealth of information to share.  It is our hope that you will visit us often, as we’ll continue to add content and have a steady flow of photos and video that will inform, as well as inspire.

As I reviewed the pages of our website, a thought crossed my mind.  Our CWVC Challenge Warriors undergo a similar transformation.  Although less than 1% of our population serves in the military and sees action, many return home bearing the visible injuries and invisible scars of war, and are expected to make that immediate transition to civilian life.  Unfortunately it is not that simple a task.  The long periods away from home, multiple deployments, battle stress, coupled with technology and the most complicated part – human nature, make it a difficult proposition.

After the well wishes and accolades have faded away, at the end of the day you are left with a person that is no longer doing what they love the most – serving our nation.  The hole that is left seeks satisfying.  Sometimes it takes a negative turn.  The strain it puts on families would test anyone, much less a frustrated military veteran.

Transformation is a process, and as life happens there are tons of ups and downs. It’s a journey of discovery – there are moments on mountaintops and moments in deep valleys of despair. ~ Rick Warren, Pastor and Author of “The Purpose-Driven Life”

Our sole existence at Combat Wounded Veteran Challenge is to provide a sense of accomplishment through our challenge expeditions, facilitate the healing process and impact transformation in its most positive form – productive, valued lives.  Our motto reflects this belief.  They are truly “Wounded, Not Conquered”.

Our veterans do not want anyone’s pity.  They desire opportunity and understanding.  Help us empower them and their families to ensure a better quality of life so richly deserved in defense of our nation.

David Olson
CWVC Executive Director