Donate to the Coral Restoration Challenge

About the Challenge

This Challenge involves a team of 16-18 vets conducting 9-12 coral restoration dives with MOTE tropical research station scientists off Summerland Key, Florida. The vets assistance would significantly boost the coral out-planting efforts of MOTE’s coral nursery.  Prosthetics research will also be conducted during this challenge.

  • One day will be set aside for prosthetic research
  • One day will be set aside for SCUBA orientation and two CORAL Restoration orientations (for the two coral types: staghorn and boulder)
  • Three days (and one back-up date) will be set aside for coral restoration (3-dives per day, for 3 [possibly 4] days)

How you can help

Your single donation will do double the good!  You will be helping further reef restoration AND prosthetics research at the same time.  You can help save our planet’s natural resources as well as make life with a prosthetic device easier for those that have sacrificed limbs for our freedom. 

Please donate today!

(You can also start your own fundraiser to help raise money for this Challenge. See details here.)


This challenge has been made possible by these amazing people and organizations:

**this portion will have short bios and links

At the Water’s Edge
Fisher House
Mote Marine Laboratories
University of Hartford


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